The Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests — Notice of intent to revise plan was reissued April 2018. Scoping comments have been submitted. Wild and scenic draft eligibility report was published February 2019, public comments submitted March 2019. Working-draft plan was published for comment June 2019. Draft alternatives and draft plan (with final wild & scenic eligibility report) expected fall 2020, with additional public comment opportunity. Potential Wild and Scenic Rivers include: streams presented in the draft eligibility report–Oh-Be-Joyful Creek and tributaries, West Elk Creek, Copper Creek and tributaries, Roubideau Creek and tributaries, Tabeguache Creek and North Fork, San Miguel River, North Fork Escalante Creek and Kelso; streams previously found eligible but not included in current draft eligibility–Slate River, East River, Lower Taylor River, Escalante Creek, Bear Creek, Bridal Veil Creek, Ingram Falls; and additional qualified streams–Monitor Creek, Potter Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Beaver Creek, Fall Creek, Horsefly Creek.
The Pike-San Isabel National Forest plan revision began in 2008. It was delayed for a new planning rule (which was approved in 2012). The potential Wild and Scenic Rivers include the Arkansas River basin tributaries and South Platte River basin tributaries.
The BLM’s Eastern Colorado Field Office plan revision began in 2014. The final wild & scenic eligibility report was published December 2015. Draft wild and scenic suitability report was published June 2015, comments submitted January 2016. Draft plan and DEIS was published June 2019, comments by September 2019. Potential wild and scenic rivers include Arkansas River and forks, Badger Creek, Beaver Creek and tributaries, Cucharas River, East Gulch, Eightmile Creek, Falls Gulch, Fourmile Creek, Grape Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Little High Creek, Pass Creek, Red Creek, Turkey Creek and forks, among others.
The Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest revision began in 2014. FEIS and ROD were published in November 2023.
The BLM’s Four River Field Office plan revision began in 2008. Draft plan was published May 2019, comments by September 2019. Proposed plan was published February 2020.
The Snake River BLM Field Office plan revision began in 2008. The draft plan was released in spring 2016. No further action has been taken.
The Lolo National Forest plan revision started in fall 2022.
The BLM’s Havre Field Office plan revision was proposed in 2015.
Carson National Forest plan revision began in 2014. Draft plan was published summer 2019; comments were submitted November 2020. Potential wild and scenic rivers include 47 included in draft eligibility report, plus 25 additional streams promoted by river advocates.
The Cibola National Forest revision began in 2012. Scoping comments were submitted in 2015. Preliminary draft forest plan was published July 2016; comment period closed August 2016. Draft plan was published summer 2019; comments were submitted November 2020. Potential wild and scenic rivers include seven in draft eligibility report, plus 80+ qualified streams.
Gila National Forest plan revision began in May 2015. Draft plan was published; comments submitted April 2020. Potential wild and scenic rivers include 16 in draft eligibility report, plus 14 proposed for congressional designation.
Kiowa National Forest plan revision began in 2015.
Lincoln National Forest plan revision began in 2015.
The Santa Fe National Forest plan revision began in 2014. The Notice of Intent to revise was published July 2016. Public meetings, including presentations and receiving input on wild & scenic rivers were held in early March 2017. Draft plan was published summer 2019; comments were submitted November 2019. Potential wild and scenic 12 in draft eligibility report, two previously eligible, plus 24 others.
The Rio Grande del Norte National Monument plan revision began in January 2014. Overall plan scoping report was published May 2014 and proposed amendments are pending, along with consideration of expanding the monument. Potential rivers include Rio Grande del Norte and select tributaries.
The Northwest (regional) Forest Plan affects 17 national forests (California: Klamath, Lassen, Mendocino, Shasta-Trinity, Six Rivers; Oregon: Deschutes, Freemont-Winema, Rogue River-Siskyou, Siuslaw, Umpqua, Willamette; Washington: Gifford-Pinchot, Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Mount Hood, Okanogan-Wenatchee, Olympic) and BLM lands in Northern California, Oregon, Washington. Described by FS as “Modernizing Forest Plans in the Northwest”, the northwest plan is currently in a “science synthesis” phase. Public comment closed January 2017. Draft information, comment results, and next steps are now pending scientific peer review. Updated Bioregional assessment of Northwest Forests was released July 2020. While decisions about rivers are pending, it is an opportunity to emphasize the scientific importance of protecting healthy and natural rivers and river corridors.
The Eldorado National Forest plan revision was to begin in 2017. Background materials and public-involvement guides were published May 2017. This has officially been labeled “on hold.”
The Lassen National Forest and Modoc National Forest plan revisions were projected to begin 2017 or 2018. Baseline science documents are being prepared.
The Sequoia National Forest and Sierra National Forest plan revisions began 2013. The public comment period was completed. A supplemental EIS was expected in 2018 but no further action has occurred.
The Northwest California Integrated Resource Management Plan published a notice of intent in November 2016. Public scoping meetings were held January 2017. The planning process was canceled April 2019 in response to wildfire emergencies.
The Fremont-Winema National Forest proposed plan revision was published 2014. No further action has occurred.
The Malheur National Forest, Umatilla National Forest and Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, combined as the Blue Mountains National Forest with Umatilla, Wallowa-Whitman, plan revision was published 2014. No further action has occurred.
The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area plan revisions were adopted 2016. The plan is subject to continuing review.
The Manti-La Sal National Forest plan revision is expected to begin summer 2020. The final plan is projected for 2022.
The BLM’s Cedar City Field Office revision began in 2010. A draft RMP is pending.
In 2001, the BLM’s St. George Field Office conducted an evaluation of streams adjacent to Zion National Park. Three NCAs management plan revisions began in 2015. A wild and scenic management plan is anticipated for the Virgin River.
The Gifford Pinchot National Forest and Olympic National Forest plan revision listening sessions were held April 2015. No further action has occurred.
The Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest plan revision began, in coordination with Colville (Colville since completed), with listening sessions held in 2015. Proposed plan revisions were published June 2011 (including 13 eligible stream segments). No further action has occurred.
The BLM’s Rock Springs Field Office plan revision began in 2011, and an alternatives analysis is pending.