Data and Study Results on Species, Habitat, and Special Features


Natureserve is a network of public and private partners and network of natural heritage programs providing high-quality scientific expertise for conservation, including; landscape analyses, species and habitat reports, and on-line natural-features database.

Conservation Science Partners is a network of scientists, organizations, universities, state and federal agencies, addressing critical questions in conservation biology and landscape ecology using advanced techniques in data analysis, modeling, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.

American Whitewater  is the primary advocate for the preservation and protection of whitewater rivers throughout the United States, and connects the interests of human-powered recreational river users with ecological and science-based data to achieve the goals within its mission. American Whitewater has the National Whitewater Inventory – an online state-by-state drainage database with information, gauges, and reports for individual rivers.

Nationwide Rivers Inventory (maintained by National Park Service) is a listing of free-flowing river segments believed to possess one or more outstandingly remarkable natural or cultural values judged to be of more than local or regional significance (existing or potential wild and scenic rivers). Rivers are subject to federal agencies consulting on mitigation of projects potentially affecting the segments. Nationwide River Inventory has a Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program and has publications and online information about rivers protection assistance and opportunities.

Mapping Climate Refugia is a research study by the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station enabling precise mapping of critical habitats and species distributions in streams flowing through 101 National Forests.

Climate Adaptation Planning Database collects data that represent the distribution of potential climatic refugia and locations with potentially disappearing regional climates given projected mid- and end-of-century climate conditions.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has regional and field offices in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming. USFWS maintains an interactive state-by-state map of species at risk.

U.S. Geological Survey instream flows protection assessment includes assessments from nine western states.

University of New Mexico instream flows research has research publications, analyses, and catalogs of instream flow protection measures and laws affecting New Mexico and the western U.S.

The Nature Conservancy has a lands and water program that conduct field research and advocacy for lands and waterway protection. They also have state/regional field offices in Colorado ([email protected]), Idaho ([email protected]), Montana, New Mexico ([email protected]), Utah ([email protected]), and Wyoming ([email protected]).


Colorado Natural Heritage Program (Colorado State University) has information on Colorado’s rare and threatened species and plant communities – including inventory, monitoring, research, conservation planning-spatial analysis, vegetation classification and ecological systems, data sharing and distribution, and environmental review.

Colorado Natural Areas Program (State of Colorado – Division of Parks & Wildlife, Colorado Natural Areas Council) is a statewide program focused on the recognition and protection of areas that contain at least one unique or high-quality natural feature of statewide significance.

Colorado Instream Flow Program (State of Colorado – Colorado Water Conservation Board) conducts appropriation, acquisition, protection, and monitoring of non-consumptive, in-channel, in-lake water rights for minimum flows between points on a stream or levels in natural lakes.


Idaho Natural Heritage Program (State of Idaho – Department of Fish and Game) lists precise locations and conditions of at-risk species and threatened ecosystems.

Idaho Minimum Instream Flow Program (State of Idaho – Idaho Water Resource Board) preserves stream flows and lake elevations – stream values including fish and wildlife habitat, aquatic life, navigation and transportation, recreation, water quality, and aesthetic beauty.


Montana Natural Heritage Program (State of Montana – Montana State Library Natural Resource Information System, University of Montana (Missoula)) has reliable, objective information and expertise to support stewardship of native species and habitats, emphasizing those of conservation concern.

Montana Fisheries information System (State of Montana – Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks) is a database on fish species distribution within Montana.


Natural Heritage New Mexico (University of New Mexico, Museum of Southwestern Biology) conducts research on the conservation and sustainable management of New Mexico’s biodiversity, including a statewide rare species and ecosystems database.

University of New Mexico instream flows research publishes research publications, analyses, and catalogs of instream flow protection measures and laws affecting New Mexico and the western US.

Amigos Bravos Wetland Gems Inventory is a statewide water conservation organization guided by social justice principles and dedicated to preserving and restoring the ecological and cultural integrity of New Mexico’s water and the communities that depend on it.


Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (State of Utah) has a bibliography of wildlife and habitat research affecting Utah.

Utah Natural Heritage Program (State of Utah – Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Conservation Data Center) conducts biological surveys with emphasis on rare or declining species.


Wyoming Natural Diversity Database (University of Wyoming) has data for species and vegetation communities of concern within Wyoming.

Wyoming Instream Flow Program (State of Wyoming, Wyoming State Engineer’s Office) has a 2020 PDF on state-held instream flow protection water rights.